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Denialink ofrece servicios para la  construcción marítima en general y en especial para la industria del dragado, construcción portuaria y el Off-Shore relacionado con el petróleo y el gas.
Defensas para muelles / atraques / pantalanes
Accesorios de Muelles
Almacenaje vertical en silos hasta de 100.000 m3 de capacidad
Productos químicos y minerals
Productos agrícolas en granel
Centrales eléctricas a carbon
Brokerage de equipos construcción marítima y para el off-shore

Denialink - Agri Bulk industry

For tuning the agricultural production and the market demand several products have to be stored in large quantities.
The Eurosilo system has been invented to store huge quantities of potato starch during the season in between two successive crops.
The Eurosilo system using the first-in last-out principle is well suited to store semi basic products like starch, meal etc.
For storing free-flowing cereals and grains, normally the basic mass-flow silo type is being used.

Potato Starch
The potato starch silo is the origin of ESI Eurosilo. Its history goes back more than 30 years.
The first installations were originally developed for the Dutch starch company AVEBE.
During the seventies the applications spread out over Europe.
Around the turn of the century (2000) a high demand developed for storage capacity in Japan.

Back in the sixties, the Dutch potato starch manufacturer AVEBE, found himself confronted with a required long term storage of his product.
As the production of potato starch is subject to seasonal influences, whereas sales tend to fluctuate, they needed huge storage facilities for long term storage.
The Eurosilo consists of a screw reclaim mechanism, centered around a central column, combined with four outlet units of oscillating beam feeders in the bottom.

For tuning the agricultural production and the market demand several products have to be stored in large quantities.

The Eurosilo system has been invented to store huge quantities of potato starch during the season in between two successive crops.

In the late sixties and seventies 5 installation were built in the Netherlands.
1967 Ter Apelkanaal
1967 Alteveer
1968 Gasselternijveen
1969 De Krim
1975 Veendam

In the past the decisive factor in choosing the Eurosilo system was its low price. At present this has been overruled by the modern quality standards.
The Japanese potato starch industry decided to rationalize and modernize. They also selected the Eurosilo as their main storage system.

Silos in Japan:
1996, Minami-Tokachi (Hokkaido) - Starch Factory Nakasatsunai
1998, Bihoro (Hokkaido) Starch Factory
1999, Naka-Shari (Hokkaido) - Starch Factory
2000, Minami-Tokachi (Hokkaido) - second silo
2000, Tobu-Tokachi (Hokkaido)
2001, Shihoro (Hokkaido)- Starch Factory; 2 silo's

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| Denialink ofrece servicios para la construcción marítima en general y en especial para la industria del dragado |
Redes de conductos para la descarga de materiales de dragado | Mangueras de caucho, flotantes y no flotantes |
Tubos de hierro y auxiliares de hierro | Medios de flotación | Talleres móviles de reparación | Equipo de dragado |
Brokerage de equipos construcción marítima |
 | Almacenaje vertical en silos hasta de 100.000 m3 de capacidad | Carga y descarga de petróleo y gas para atraques en altamar |
 | Defensas neumáticas (tipo Yokohama) |
Botes y Embarcaciones de salvavidas y Rescate | Anti-fouling y tratamiento de aguas | Defensas de caucho para barcos en general |
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