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Denialink ofrece servicios para la  construcción marítima en general y en especial para la industria del dragado, construcción portuaria y el Off-Shore relacionado con el petróleo y el gas.
Equipo de dragado
Unidad de tubo de succión en marcha
Draga de succión (con cortador)
DOP, bomba sumergible de dragado
Estación de re impulsion
Bombas de dragado
Unidades de ensamblaje
Redes de conductos para la descarga de materiales de dragado.
Mangueras de caucho, flotantes y no flotantes.
Tubos de hierro y auxiliares de hierro
Medios de flotación
Talleres móviles de reparación

Denialink - Specials

Auger dredger

Built for precision dredging in environmental clean-up projects.

The auger dredger, built for dredging contractor HAM, is a highly innovative dredger designed for environmental dredging projects.

Environmental friendly dredging means removing polluted sediment layers at a minimal volume enlargement by reducing the necessary transport water to a minimum, at a minimum turbidity.

The auger dredger can both work on spuds and on a X-mas tree; this and the mobility of the auger head guarantee an optimal maneuverability to optimize the excavation pattern.

The position accuracy of the dredger in Z-coordinate is +/- 5 cm, and horizontal when working on spuds +/- 15 cm.

The auger dredger, built for dredging contractor HAM, is a highly innovative dredger designed for environmental dredging projects.


In situ flow separation technology

Designed to control the grain size of the dredged material.

A special dredgehead was designed on request of an owner of a sand mining plant as he wished to mine the coarser sand which was located underneath a layer of finer sand.

The draghead applies the in situ flow separation technology, which results in:
a quick penetration of the toplayer
the layer aimed for is reached quickly after the start of the dredging process
the granulometry of the material dredged is coarser than the original bottom material
the through put of a classification plant is raised by some 20 % due to a more stable
   dredging process

A special dredgehead was designed on request of an owner of a sand mining plant as he wished to mine the coarser sand which was located underneath a layer of finer sand.


Degassing installations
To be fitted on existing dredgers or dredgers under construction.

Damen Dredging Equipment designs and delivers degassing installations for existing vessels as well as vessels under construction. The degassing installation can be installed both on inboard dredge pumps as well as dredge pumps mounted on the trailing suction pipe. After receipt of engine room arrangement drawings and the dredging parameters, a design and offer is made. The installation is delivered in ready-to-fit components and is mounted and tested by our engineers.

Damen Dredging Equipment designs and delivers degassing installations for existing vessels as well as vessels under construction.


Unmanned and remote controlled submersible dredger.

The Punaise is a complete submerged pump station designed for beach nourishment and maintenance operations such as the removal of silt at harbour entrances and approach channels.
The complete installation includes the following peripheral equipment:
Connection pontoon
Shore discharge line
Power supply unit
Compressor unit
Control unit

For more information please fill in the contact form, click here.

The Punaise is a complete submerged pump station designed for beach nourishment and maintenance operations such as the removal of silt at harbour entrances and approach channels.


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| Denialink ofrece servicios para la construcción marítima en general y en especial para la industria del dragado |
Redes de conductos para la descarga de materiales de dragado | Mangueras de caucho, flotantes y no flotantes |
Tubos de hierro y auxiliares de hierro | Medios de flotación | Talleres móviles de reparación | Equipo de dragado |
Brokerage de equipos construcción marítima |
 | Almacenaje vertical en silos hasta de 100.000 m3 de capacidad | Carga y descarga de petróleo y gas para atraques en altamar |
 | Defensas neumáticas (tipo Yokohama) |
Botes y Embarcaciones de salvavidas y Rescate | Anti-fouling y tratamiento de aguas | Defensas de caucho para barcos en general |
Contáctenos | Proveedores | Enlaces | Nuestros banners | Mapa web | Política de aislamiento | Responsabilidad |

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