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Denialink ofrece servicios para la  construcción marítima en general y en especial para la industria del dragado, construcción portuaria y el Off-Shore relacionado con el petróleo y el gas.
Equipo de dragado
Unidad de tubo de succión en marcha
Draga de succión (con cortador)
DOP, bomba sumergible de dragado
Estación de re impulsion
Bombas de dragado
Unidades de ensamblaje
Redes de conductos para la descarga de materiales de dragado.
Mangueras de caucho, flotantes y no flotantes.
Tubos de hierro y auxiliares de hierro
Medios de flotación
Talleres móviles de reparación

Denialink - Trailing suction pipe installations

Damen Dredging Equipment designs and manufactures trailing suction pipe installations which are the dredging system for hopper dredgers.
This dredging system consist of the trailing pipe, the hoisting system (gantries and winches), the dredge pump, the loading system as delivery chute and overflows, and discharging systems as spray pipes, rainbow nozzles, the jet nozzle system for the self emptying system, the jet pumps etc.

Please feel free to download the product leaflet >>>

Conversion or newbuilding
The trailing suction pipe system can be built onto an existing barge or for a new hopper dredger.
In case of a conversion the system is to fit in the current situation on board for which we need drawings of the gangways and the pump room, for example.

Damen Dredging Equipment designs and manufactures trailing suction pipe installations which are the dredging system for hopper dredgers.
Product leaflet of DOP
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For new built vessels the dredging system is designed in close co-operation with the yard in order to get the optimal design.

In consultation with the yard the design of all major systems as dredge lines, jetwater lines and gangway width will be chosen, all in accordance with the requirements of the customer.
Damen Dredging Equipment does not build complete hopper dredgers; we always co-operate with yards in the Netherlands and abroad.
The yard either is a member of the Damen Shipyards Group or it is a separate identity.

Inland waterways or seagoing hopper dredger
The dredging system for an inland waterways dredger is of a special design : the equipment can be constructed lighter as there is for instance no swell.

The trailing suction pipe system can be built onto an existing barge or for a new hopper dredger.

We always take the hoisting conditions as stipulated by the customer into account.

Components or systems
The entire trailing suction pipe system is built from a large range of standard components.
The standard components can be delivered as such or can be adapted to customers requirements.For an overview of the available components, click here.

Our technicians are available for mounting or servicing the dredging components.

For more information please fill in the contact form, click here.

The entire trailing suction pipe system is built from a large range of standard components.


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| Denialink ofrece servicios para la construcción marítima en general y en especial para la industria del dragado |
Redes de conductos para la descarga de materiales de dragado | Mangueras de caucho, flotantes y no flotantes |
Tubos de hierro y auxiliares de hierro | Medios de flotación | Talleres móviles de reparación | Equipo de dragado |
Brokerage de equipos construcción marítima |
 | Almacenaje vertical en silos hasta de 100.000 m3 de capacidad | Carga y descarga de petróleo y gas para atraques en altamar |
 | Defensas neumáticas (tipo Yokohama) |
Botes y Embarcaciones de salvavidas y Rescate | Anti-fouling y tratamiento de aguas | Defensas de caucho para barcos en general |
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