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Denialink ofrece servicios para la  construcción marítima en general y en especial para la industria del dragado, construcción portuaria y el Off-Shore relacionado con el petróleo y el gas.
Equipo de dragado
Unidad de tubo de succión en marcha
Draga de succión (con cortador)
DOP, bomba sumergible de dragado
Estación de re impulsion
Bombas de dragado
Unidades de ensamblaje
Redes de conductos para la descarga de materiales de dragado.
Mangueras de caucho, flotantes y no flotantes.
Tubos de hierro y auxiliares de hierro
Medios de flotación
Talleres móviles de reparación

Denialink - Instrumentation products

As much as we depend on computers today, machines have one major drawback: they can't think.
In the world of dredging, that's where the Electrotechnical Department of DAMEN DREDGING EQUIPMENT comes in.
The Electrotechnical Department develops, designs and builds measuring and control instruments which provide operators with vital information about the dredging process.
Our creativity and expertise are guided by continuous client input, which leads to custom-made instrumentation systems.

Datasheets are available for several products >>>
All datasheets are in the Adobe PDF format. To view this format you need the Adobe Acrobat Reader 4 or higher.

Instrumentation products:

Production measurement, existing of:
density meter
velocity meter
yield indicator
For detailed information see the datasheet >>>

Production measurement
A small PLC with touch screen has been developed for the production measurement.
The 2 analog signals from the density gauge and flow meter are interfaced to the PLC, to calculate the production, dependent on the pipe diameter.
The result is given on the touch screen.

The production can be given in T or m3 per sec. or hour.
The mixture production can be given, the material in situ (reclamation area/bottom), when the s.g. in situ is known, or Ton Dry Material (TDS).
The production is given on a day- or total counter.

Trailing suction pipe instruments displayed on one computer screen, such as:
Vessel draught
Load and Draught
Suction Tube Position Indicator

Electronic Monitoring System (EMS/TDS)
A EMS (TDS) software package for logging and registration of positions and processdata on-board trailing suction hopper dredgers, as required by the authorities nowadays.
Beside datalogging various calculations can be done, such as Tons Dry Material (Stof) which has become the trade name for this package (TDS).

The stored data is also visualised on a monitor, giving the crew the posibility to check what is going on.

Beside data storing, there is the posibility to transmit the data by a cellular telephone to the shore, to the authorities and to the office.

A Remote Control (Telemetry) software package for remote control of dredging equipment (most time a Booster station) and surveillance.

A choice of engines and motors can be started or stopped and speed controlled. In opposit direction, process- and equipment (status) data are transmitted for surveillance purposes.

The link can be by radio or fiber optics. For the radio there are several solutions, depending on the range and pairing to this the requirement for a license.

For detailed information see the datasheet >>>

Survey system
There are a lot of possibilities, to compose a "Survey system".
The required accuracy and with that the price for the system is qualifying the system, but also the requested detailed position information of several instruments on-board.
Is either only the horizontal position of the vessel enough or additionally also the depth of the suctionhead.

The NAVGUARD software application package consists of modules for visualisation on board the dredger, for calculation and plotting at the office and for gathering hydrografic data.

Damen Dredging Equipment has published a datasheet which described all the possibilities >>>

Excavator/dredger positioning system
The Excavator/dredger positioning system, combined with DDE "Navguard" software and the required sensors, provides the operator with the position and depth of the bucket/dredge head relative to the actual and required depth. The data is displayed on a monitor in the operator cabin.

Positioning and depth are displayed with an accuracy of a sub-meter (< 80 cm) or a few centimeters, depending on the positioning system (DGPS).

For detailed information see the datasheet >>>

Several other products, like:
pressure indicators
cutter depth indicators
revolution counters
profile computer
dynamic global positioning systems

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For more information please fill in the contact form, click here.

The Electrotechnical Department develops, designs and builds measuring and control instruments which provide operators with vital information about the dredging process.

Downloads datasheets (PDF)
Density meter
Pressure transmitter
Inclino meter
Rotation angle transmitter
Flow meter
Remote Control (Telemetry)
Load and draught indicator
Production calculation unit
Production measurement unit
Suction tube position indicator
Speedcounter dredge pump
Download PDF reader for free

A Remote Control (Telemetry) software package for remote control of dredging equipment (most time a Booster station) and surveillance.

The NAVGUARD software application package consists of modules for visualisation on board the dredger, for calculation and plotting at the office and for gathering hydrografic data.

A small PLC with touch screen has been developed for the production measurement.

Trailing suction pipe instruments displayed on one computer screen, Vessel draught, Load and Draught and Suction Tube Position Indicator.



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| Denialink ofrece servicios para la construcción marítima en general y en especial para la industria del dragado |
Redes de conductos para la descarga de materiales de dragado | Mangueras de caucho, flotantes y no flotantes |
Tubos de hierro y auxiliares de hierro | Medios de flotación | Talleres móviles de reparación | Equipo de dragado |
Brokerage de equipos construcción marítima |
 | Almacenaje vertical en silos hasta de 100.000 m3 de capacidad | Carga y descarga de petróleo y gas para atraques en altamar |
 | Defensas neumáticas (tipo Yokohama) |
Botes y Embarcaciones de salvavidas y Rescate | Anti-fouling y tratamiento de aguas | Defensas de caucho para barcos en general |
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